Getting more from remote work with Uclusion

Getting more from remote work with Uclusion

Software developer productivity is really about building the right thing, the right way and whether that’s been achieved won’t show up in simple measures like lines of code, task completions or meeting project deadlines. So without a quick way to measure developer productivity, how we work will continue to be an experiment.

TL;DR: signup for Uclusion and immediately be in a sandbox demo (a very small sample shown below) showing a team using a better tool for remote work.

Water cooler collaboration

What in office requirements are really trying to enforce is availability.

Developers need to know two things to collaborate: what they need to do for others, and what others need to do for them. Traditionally, this has been done by throwing everyone into the same section of an office: a.k.a. the water cooler.

However, even before Covid, the focus problem alone was enough to kill open office.

So how can we insure developer collaboration in the remote world without binding everyone to an open office inspired, focus destroying tool like Slack?

What first class asynchronous collaboration looks like

Each member of a development team needs a pipeline of approved work so that when a question arises it’s not a stop everything event.

Uclusion helps you build that pipeline through the built-in approval process above and also sophisticated ways to discuss implementation options.

Then you can also get feedback as you work.

Status without meeting

When a job assignee opens a question, suggestion, or blocker in his job the job automatically moves to Assistance Needed.

So the Uclusion swimlanes show status at a glance that an ordinary board cannot. You also know exactly where your interactions with your team stands through the Uclusion inbox.

The For You tab of the Uclusion inbox keeps track of all your action items and each item opens to a wizard for handling it. Notifications self-destruct when no longer needed and your flow is also preserved because each item contains all the context you need to process it.

The From You tab shows you all outstanding input you need from others and allows you to poke.

With this notification system a number of other out-of-the-box flows are supported including self assigning bugs, self assigning ready to start jobs, group question and suggestion discussion, job completion estimate update, and reply handling.

We hope you will consider Uclusion and enjoy dozens more features like above.

Ben Follis
Ben Follis Co-Founder of Uclusion