Preparing for a four day work week with Uclusion

Preparing for a four day work week with Uclusion

Whether you are joining the growing number of companies moving to 4-day work weeks, just want a lighter Friday, or are already at 4 days and want to do better than Jira, Slack and Scrum, increasing your pipeline of agreed upon work without increasing meetings is your objective.

TL;DR: signup for Uclusion and immediately be put into a sandbox demo (a very small sample shown below) with a team doing just that.

Job approval

A job in Uclusion is an assignable description of work and after assignment the team receives inbox notification to approve or block.

An approved job can be started without a meeting and the approvals eventually automatically expire if the job is not started.

Job clarification

Jobs with approval may need team input on questions or implementation ideas. That input comes by creating a question or suggestion inside the job.

This inbox notification also automatically goes away if the question or suggestion is resolved.

Status without meetings

When a job assignee opens a question, suggestion, or blocker in his job the job automatically moves to Assistance Needed.

So the Uclusion swimlanes show status at a glance that an ordinary board cannot.

Uclusion inbox organized

The For You tab of the Uclusion inbox keeps track of all your action items and each item opens to a wizard for handling it. Notifications self-destruct when no longer needed and your flow is also preserved because each item contains all the context you need to process it.

The From You tab shows you all outstanding input you need from others and allows you to poke.

With this notification system a number of other out-of-the-box flows are supported including self assigning bugs, self assigning ready to start jobs, group question and suggestion discussion, job completion estimate update, and reply handling.

Feedback without meetings

When you open a progress report in Uclusion, the notification prompts teammates for review:

Instead of review, you can also change the estimated completion date and the team will see the new estimate.

We hope you will consider Uclusion and enjoy dozens more features like above.

Ben Follis
Ben Follis Co-Founder of Uclusion