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Why Standup Meetings Lead to Burnout

Why Standup Meetings Lead to Burnout

It’s not because the meeting breaks up your day.

David Israel David Israel
Working with Stripe Promotion Codes

Working with Stripe Promotion Codes

Uclusion uses Stripe for it’s subscription service, and August Stripe added promotion code support to recurring subscriptions.

Ben Follis Ben Follis
Tools and Methodologies Nudge Us

Tools and Methodologies Nudge Us

Nudge theory, influencing behaviour without coercion, is an important part of how our work environment is created - especially in startups.

David Israel David Israel

The Risk of Believing in Easy Software Development

There are fields like medicine, research, construction and entertainment where its widely excepted that any one project will be difficult and you do the best we can with the process...

David Israel David Israel